night star aj taco mascot

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Signaturewolf gave me some ideas
I post on an ipod sometimes and sometimes a computer but it has to be fast do you guys think I should pay attention to my grammer?
I can't really change the background on an ipod but I can on a computer what do you think I should do draw a picture make one online or just a default from blogger?
give me some ideas answer my questions from there ^

Vote Please It Will Surely Help With The Blog!   I Have a Writing Test Next Week So I Will Not Be On Next Week Due To It Tiring Me Out I Gotta Think Hard!
Do you think I should use a certain color for the blog text  please tell me before February 27th 

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Ok i have been trying to decide a new user name cause i might change mine comment on one of these saying " _______ should be used as your new username" the ____ is the name im going to type now!
fill in        ^ that blank with a number of one of these:
5.XxtigerstarxXxtigertacoxX <--- yes thats one whole thing just comment with the numbers btw
6. XxtigerstarxX
or the last one  7. XxwinterwingxX

Friday, February 8, 2013


well hey guys today i had an interesting friday.... i got glasses. it started in class couldn't see the board -presses fast forward button- the nurse tested my eyes hablabla bla called my mom made an appointment just got home from it so i posted this to inform you kthxgtgbai

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chibi's and a mlp :P

Hey guys wanted to post a few things i made on they are so cool :P
 this is tora-takosu (tiger taco)
 this is Kirema no neko cat of wisps
and i will soon post about my fursona shensei-kitsune nova-fox well anyways gtg soon so speed post.

I like my little ponys i watch it alot its cool to me comment about them if you like them say your fav ponies kthxbai.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


well i couldn't find a title cause this is one of my random things again just wanted to say that there'll be a party for 3,000 views when i get them ( i turned off the show my views where it shows when you have visited your own blog i turned that off the first day i made this thing so just sayin' my views don't count its your views ^.^) Im changing my background
here's the photo i JUST made  ( 2 hr delay whoo hooo i got's time...)
hope you like it i tried getting people to say BE SAFE i was the only one who did.... there was this person who said something horrible gah..... gross.....  anyways gtg so i can update stuff and so on visit espee will most likely join after i talk to her at school today i might get her to post she has swim and stuff so she can't post much.... who knows maybe (she said this don't tell her i told you..) maybe if we get 100 views and 5 followers she might post! well tyhats it gtg typing fast kthxbai

Monday, February 4, 2013


Hey guys as you may have noticed i wasn't on yesterday :3 i got scribblenauts unlimited and beat it so im working on doing it over and im going to be taking a break from the computer by doing so and maybe even enjoying some snow ^.^ il be on sometimes if i get extremly bored :P or if i see an update of items worth getting on and getitng ike if they came out with more rares or founders or somethin' like that just wanted to tell ya' cause you'd be commenting like "Tiger where r chu" or "Your taconess where are you da enchaladas are attacking!" someethin' like that X3 comment if you are still reading this blog i need to Know who is reading this so i can continue this blog ( i only need like a few people to comment saying "tiger continue" last months jammer was signature wolf and this months is.... windstar592 thx for commenting your awesome. kthxbai XP